Hello Bill,
> Rafael, be warned that the /xoff and /yoff will be rewritten for
> subsequent PostScript files, because they (and the /xclip and
> /yclip values) are based on the "Settings... Margins" values.
> Adjusting those values from within Guide is probably the better
> way to tweak the placement on the page.
Well, I have the default margins setting in Guide (0,5in on each side) and I
get the chart displaced over an A4 sheet (part of the chart are outside the
paper!). How correlate the margins value to the position of the chart? I
think that you don't use the size of paper configured for the default
printer, you assume some size and make all the numbers based on this
> "...As the PS are now EPS compilant there are any need for a
> margin!..." Thanks for mentioning this: I don't have any program
> that actually reads EPS, so I dunno how compliant it is.
> (GhostScript just regards the EPS data as comments, and
> does still need the margin data.)
Well, in GS you can use the Boundingbox to clip the PS, and I have assumed
that this is working... Realy what I do is transform the PS files to PDF
ones with GS and then embebed this PDF files inside a LaTeX document that I
process with pdflatex.exe to generate the final PDF mixing text with charts
with jpg images. If you want you can see some examples here:
From Messier and Companion project
Form Spirit of 33 project
Rafael Barbera
Copa del Mundo de la FIFA 2002
El �nico lugar de Internet con v�deos de los 64 partidos.
�Ap�ntante ya! en