MEC question/ (REPOST)

Robert Burns Nov 21, 2002

It's hard to play with MEC until I get a Tangent style box. (Also,
the link to the latest version of DOS guide on seems to be broken.)

Anyway, from reading the instructions on the above page, I understand
that I would NOT be limited to a small set of alignment stars but
could align on any stars or objects that I could identify -- true?

I think I know the answer to this next question, but I'm grasping --
the MEC data created by the alignment process(as I understand the
process) be then utilized by the Windows version or am I stuck in the
DOS version if I want to use MEC? I ask, because in the name of
simplifcation, I want to use the same laptop for auto-guiding and
image acquistion and I need a OS that at least resembles multi-
tasking. Besides, there is no DOS version of my camera control
software available.

And sorry to sound like a pest, Bill, but when you say you plan to
simply the MEC
procedure, does that mean incorporate MEC into the Windows version or
make the DOS/MEC version a little more user friendly?

Also, given what I'm trying to accomplish, (center of FOV
identification to with a couple of degrees), in your opinion would I
be better off abandoning the move to a tangent box, instead bite the
bullet and start gearing to Bartelize my G-11? (Pardon the missmash
of metaphor.)

Robert Burns