Bernd Brinkmann Nov 14, 2002
> Pat Madden asked about having Guide set up to track asteroids.That information is new to me.
> (And, by extension, other moving objects: comets, planets, the
> moon, artificial satellites.) Strikes me as a good idea, but I have
> no real idea how to do it. The straightforward thing to do would be to
> send RA/dec commands from time to time, but it's hard to get any sort
> of smooth motion in that manner.
> Somewhat more critically, the LX-200 protocol only allows you
> to specify RA to the nearest RA second (15 arcseconds).
>Yes, Bill I know very well what you are talking about. As a comet
> I _have_ heard of software that does a decent job of tracking by
> sending directional slew commands ("set the following guiding/slew
> rate... move left... move up... stop..."), all timed so that the
> overall motion will be passably close to that of the target object.
> Dunno how well this works, and don't remember any details. Anybody
> know what I'm talking about?