I get the digest version, so this may be coming a bit late. However, I
would like to follow-up on comments made by Mark Huss below.
I have used both Guide and SkyMap Pro for a number of years in historical
research and simulation; my wife, Saori, and I also use them both in the
observing we get to do on occasion. I would not and could not do without
both of them. I appreciate not only the accuracy and unique features of
each program but also the strong support for the programs and dedication of
both developers to astronomy in general. I think it speaks well of a
hobby/field that this kind of sharing can occur.
Since both of you are attending to this forum, Bill and Chris, I would like
to publicly thank you both.
All the best,
Steve Renshaw
Astronomy in Japan:
Mark Huss wrote:
>Thanks, too, Chris for that reminder...I do remember reading that
>somewhere before, now that you mention it -- but I guess it's clear
>I'm not an AAVSO member! :-)
>I'd also like to thank you publically for chipping in here from time
>to time with useful information - as this is basically
>a "competitor's" site! Makes me want to buy SkyMap just on principle.