Re: Linux/Ax.0 from CD/obj lists/error logs

Glenn Becker Nov 9, 2002


Thanks for the information. Re:

> I'd be really impressed if every last bit of Guide functioned
> correctly in WINE. Guide is a big enough program so that I'd
> expect that somewhere, in some obscure nook or cranny, it uses a
> part of the Windows API that isn't totally "right" in WINE. (For
> that matter, I'm impressed to hear that HNSky is running
> "flawlessly".)

Glad you put that word in quotes, b/c it's no longer (and therefore,
just not) true. Something happened between Wine versions and I can
no longer get HNSky to work. While I had it going it sure ran
sweetly, though.

I may be Win4Lin bound.

> Incidentally, I mentioned installing Red Hat 8.0 on my own
> machine a while back. This doesn't mean I'm going to leap into a
> Linux port; in fact, I've had several frustrating installation
> problems with it, not totally resolved yet, in part due to my
> lack of knowledge of Linux.

I've never used RH myself - I've stuck closer to distributions like
Slackware and Debian, as they leave things more up to the user. My
first Linux distro was Slackware, which presented no install
problems to me back in 1999 and still doesn't. Paradoxically, it's
touted to be much less "user-friendly" than things like Red Hat and

Thanks again for the info.
