Re: Bug?/aperture shutoff/full-screen/mag limit/Wine

Glenn Becker Nov 7, 2002

> James, there have been a few people reporting success in running
> Guide with Wine in Linux. Getting a Windows program to run in Linux
> through Wine has been likened to a translation from Chinese to
> done by someone who speaks only Farsi, but at least in the case
> of Guide, it appears to be okay.
> -- Bill

Hi Bill -

Are these users giving any details? Specifically, whether they got
full functionality? I've gotten HNSKY to run flawlessly under Wine
but other apps haven't worked so well. I've been considering
purchasing Win4Lin, but if I don't have to spend the $99 there, I can
use it to purchase Guide ... (with $10 left over for a
Chinese/Persian buffet! :) ).

Occasionally I mull over reinstalling Win98 on my old laptop, but it
hasn't happened yet.


Glenn Becker