PostScript bug/PDF/"future"

Bill J Gray Oct 24 8:03 PM

Hi folks,

A problem has turned up in Guide's "Make a PostScript File" function:
it can frequently generate bad files, because I neglected to include
the file '' in the update file.

If you're having trouble with PostScript files from Guide, download
the following file to your Guide directory (replacing the ''
that's already there):

It looks as if there may well be another problem with PostScript
output from Guide, causing Greek-letter stars to vanish. Still
puzzling that one out.

Incidentally, those interested in making PDF files from Guide
should investigate the current version of GNU GhostScript (7.05).
This does a nice job of converting Guide's PostScript files into
PDF, using a batch file called (logically enough) ps2pdf. I'm
still investigating this myself; once I've got a handle on its
care and feeding, I'll post some info about it on my Web site.
But it looks as if PDF will be an ideal way for distributing
printable charts on-line.

Also, spurred in part by the comments about movie-making and
Roger Curry's "orrery" view, I've added a few paragraphs to the
"possible future improvements" page:

Usual disclaimer: I don't expect to do these things very soon,
but wanted to be sure I didn't forget about them completely while
tackling other parts of Guide.

-- Bill