
Roger Curry Oct 22 8:28 AM

I have found little that Guide cannot do, however, this one has me

Is there a way to set up a view that looks like an orrery as seen from
above? I would like it to be heliocentric and seen from above the Sun's
north pole from an elevation great enough to bring the full orbit of
Mars onto the screen.

I am preparing some material for a program I am presenting THIS FRIDAY
NIGHT, so a quick response from David or one of the Guide test pilots
would be appreciated. I used Guide to make a great AVI file of Mars,
showing its growth over the period from 1 Jan 2002 to 31 Dec 2003 with a
1 degree field size and 24 hour step. I would like to make another
movie, or else set up Guide on my laptop, to show the converging and
diverging orbits during the similar time period.

If Guide can't do this one, does anyone know of a specialty program that
can (for free?).

Thanks in advance.

Roger in Jacksonville, FL

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