[guide-user] Some errors and questions
jost_jahn@t-online.de Feb 8, 2000
after testing some new and some not so new features of Guide, I want to
point out the following items:
- Solar eclipse list: Nice, but you cannot point directly after this to
a map. After some left and right cliks it works, but the program halts
(after 10 minutes I break it).
- Using MPC_OBS.TDF is a fint thing. But If I use satellite positions
of the SOHO comets, Guide is running wrnog with misinterprating the
second line as data. Unfortunately I´m now not able to change the
- The file name in a TDF file seems not to have been too long. I´m
surfing often with an offline brwoser trhough the WWW, now saving some
GB of WWW pages on my computer (also the projectpluto, indeed). So I
wanted to give the file name d:\offline\cfa-www.harvard.edu\iau\ecs\mpc
update\this\cometobs.asc fpor the monthly cometary observations of the
MPC, but Guide breaks with an system error. Copying the file into the
guide directory works. Also better it would be, if you can give the
position of a file like http://..., so that Guide downloads the file
from the WWW, if you want.
- Help: List hotkey present only for a tenth of a second or so an
window and close it as fast as possible. I cannot look so quick as Mr.
- If you have a TDF file in youir directory, which is also in the
CD-ROM version, it will be shown twice. It would be nice, if Guide have
an option to hide these "doubles".
All tested using the 2000 Januar 30 version 32bit.