More Infos label in french mode
Laville Oct 20 1:36 PM
Hi All, Hi Bill,
when you right click on an object, the window which appears give you
several possibilities, among which you can display "More infos",
choosing either to left click on the label More infos, or to press
the M button.
Same things are with N button for Next, and D for Display.
The two N and D buttons are existing in the french mode, but the M
has disappeared: you can only click on the label More infos.
However, it is most of the time more convenient to press a button,
than to move an arrow and click on at the right place, when you are
in the middle of a cold night, with your fingers frozen.
Should it be possible, Bill, to place the M key, in french mode, as
it is in english one ?
Perhaps in a next update ?
Thank for all french language users.