Re: NGC troubles/"realistic" mode

izar21093 Oct 19 5:18 PM

I do not know what the problem is.

I have a 6-gig hard drive (old computer), and never leave the CD in
the tray. Guide works fine.

Have you uninstalled and reinstalled Guide-8? Also, have you
downloaded/instaled the data/fixes from the Guide-8 webpage??

Bill G

--- In guide-user@y..., "Kevin Fetter" <kevin_fetter@h...> wrote:
> Hi Bill and others
> I found out what seems to be going on.
> If I leave the cd in the drive and use go to ngc object, then zoom
> the level I used use when guide, I have no problem. If I take the
> out of the drive, and try it, guide crashes.
> So the cd has to be in the drive, or guide crashes. It looks like
> need files of the cd.
> Disk one had to be in the drive, since if disk 2 is in the drive
> guide crashes. So there is something on disk 1 guide needs to draw
> the info shown on the screen.
> I have installed the following found under the, install to hard
> Minimum hard drive install
> Deep-sky objects
> Eclipse/occultations
> Tycho-2
> Nebula
> Planet features
> RealSky&Ax.0
> Lunar Hi-res bitmap
> LEDA million Galaxies
> JPL ephemerides for 1800-2200
> So Bill it doesn't appear to be related to the DSS/real sky images
> you meantioned under Extras, since it doesn't matter if it turn on
> off.
> So what can I do to use guide, without needing the cd rom in the
> drive?
> Maybe since I have a 40 GB hard drive, install everything to the
> disk?
> So there is nothing wrong with guide, my computer or windows xp.
> all my fault, I figured if I put the files on my computer, I
> need some of the stuff on the cd rom, stupid me. I guess when I
> other software such as redshift 3, starry night, skycharts, I never
> needed to have a cd in the drive, after I installed the program,
> for guide I do, so I learned my lesson.
> At least I know what's going on, guide is looking for the cd.
> Thanks
> Kevin