Re: [guide-user] Isophotes/NGC finding/horizon block

Denis Oct 18 9:01 AM


We need a little more info about your computer, type, video card and others.
Have you updated your drivers lately, video being the most important and
maybe not compatible with XP. Try a different display resolution, i.e. 16
bits versus 32 bits, play with the display to see if it makes a difference.
Have you installed new hardware in your system is one other possibility.
Failing all of these, use the CDs to make sure all appropriate catalogs are
installed. Last and sometimes most common, did you delete any files in the
Guide directory prior to your problem showing up.

I have XP and no problems have shown up in any Guide functions.

Denis Boucher

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Fetter" <kfetter@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Isophotes/NGC finding/horizon block

> Hi Bill and others
> It seems the only time I have a problem is when I zoom to the 1 degree
feild of view and use the go to ngc object option. If I zoom to a 2 degree
feild of view and click on go to ngc object, it works. So if I go to certain
ncg object then click 8 on the toolbar, or click 8 on the toolbar then go to
ngc object , the program crashes
> If I click on number 8 in the toolbar , then go to a M object , the
program works fine.
> But this is what I find interesting
> If I zoom to a 1 degree feild of view, the click on go to ngc object for
so far only certain NGC objects causer the program crashes. For example if I
set guide to a 1 degree feild of view , the go to ngc object
283,284,285,286, it crashes. But if do the same for 280, 281, 282, 287, 288,
289, 290 it works fine. Very weird.
> Zoom feild of 30 minutes or number 9 on the toolbar causes the same
problem as above when used with certain ngc objects. All the other feild of
view work fine so far, just the 1 degree and 30 minute feild of view cause a
> It also does that strange crash for NGC 457 to, yet works for 456,458,459
> Yery strange glitch , must be my computer and windows xp.
> Bill I send you the startup.mar file
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