[guide-user] Re: Guide on hard drive

Jost Jahn Nov 28, 1999

Hallo Philippe, am 29.11.99 meintest Du in /guide-user

> why al this trouble with CD-Rom-simulating software?
> I just copy the whole CD to a directory on my hard-drive, and then
> change the "drive"-statement (in the "startup.mar"-file). Instead
> of the usual d:/ or e:/ (or whatever your CD-Rom-letter is), it now
> shows something like "c:/astro/guide7" (the directory where you put
> it).

The reason to use Virtual CD-ROM is, that this program is PACKING all data
into one big file. So you save space by packing and by the saving of
directory entries, because you have only ONE file, not several directories
and files in those directories.

Additional you can use several CD-ROMs on one drive letter by simple
clicking the file into the VIRTUAL CD-Rom.

But each must know, how he is doing this.

> P.S.: I know I should not do that (technically I should be buying
> one copy for each computer), but its a great way of promoting

Hmh, I will not comment this, but I think you should indeed run Guide only
one one computer system.

A question to Bill: How it's with running Guide on several computer
systems, but only one system at time (means taking the CD-ROM from the
computer at home to the computer at observatory)?



Jost Jahn, Bodenteich, FAX: 0581-31165