Re: [guide-user] XZ80 TDF

Oliver Kloes Oct 9 7:48 AM


"show at 0 - 10" dosen't mean "show at level 1 - 10".
The numbers refering to degrees of displayed field size.

So a setting of 5 - 10 means: show the objects at field size 5 to 10
For checking which level has which field size, go to menu "Display...
Legend" and turn "Field size" ON. The size is now displayed at the legend at
the screen.


Check at menu "Settings..." the third line at the menu. There you can change
the field size of the levels too.

Now you can choose which setting (degrees) for the zx80p is best for you.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask again.

Clear skies,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: "paul" <astro@...>
An: <>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2002 15:29
Betreff: [guide-user] XZ80 TDF

> Oliver (et al)
> I seem to have one irregularity or non_understanding
> using the xz80.tdf...when it is displayed.
> it seemed to come with default "show at 0 - 10" setting"
> and based on manual reading I think that means
> Guide8 view levels 1 thru 10, yet with that setting it
> does not show eg at level 2 (which is fine)
> but when I try to reset to display only at levels
> 5 thru 10 it does not act as expected. so the "0 - 10"
> setting seems not to exactly correspond to Guide level
> 1 - 10. So if I want it to display only at view levels 6 - 10 how
> would that be set? it is becoming more obvious to me that
> the setting in the tdf control box does not correlate with
> Guide8 view levels, so what controls are available, it there
> a text file that explains that more clearly. thanks!