Re: update Oct 7 5:46 AM

Sheesh, Bill. You keep fixing things before I even know I need them fixed!
I too am having Guide 8 crash with a kernel dll error when I try to access
the Quick Info menu -- but only on my desktop, not my elderly laptop. I
originally thought it was connected with a hard drive motor problem I'm
having on the desktop but had just concluded it was something with the
program. And the old laptop has a broken screen brightness display so it
will be nice to be able to experiment setting it to a darker shade of red
(currently I'm using red acetate to dim the guy down).

> From: Bill J Gray <pluto@...>
> > I hope to post an update shortly, as
> >soon as I fix another puzzling bug: two people have reported very
> >similar problems with Guide crashing (in 'kernel32.dll') when you do
> >a "go to planet" or "quick info" operation (sometimes, also, when
> >doing things such as zooming in on a planet.)
> > The update will be solely done to fix these bugs, as well as the
> >"full-screen" bug leaving the menus behind in WinXP/2000/NT.
> >
> > The only slight improvement will be that the "red mode" color
> >will be resettable. Some people find the default mode to be too
> >bright; they'll be able to set a fainter shade of red.

Sandy Mc

SandyMc456@... (Sandra McNamara)
Stanford, IL N 40d 26m W 89d 13m

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