Update posted/hierarchies

Bill J Gray Oct 6 12:38 PM

Hi folks,

I've just posted Yet Another Update. This has a couple of
very minor improvements (the ability to set the color/intensity
of "red mode" and display of some very minor satellites of
Jupiter and Uranus). Its main reason for being is that it fixes
at least three small bugs that cropped up in the 22 September
update. As usual, details are on the site:


As you will also see in the "click here to see what has changed
recently" section, I've posted a new dataset of galactic novae,
compiled, .TDF-ed, and supplied by John Greaves.

The ideas of having an hierarchy of marks and user-added
datasets, and of having marks be more "selective" in what they
store, have some appeal to me... especially the user-added
dataset hierarchy; the list of these keeps expanding, to the
point where some sort of organization is greatly to be desired.

I expect that scope control and numerically-integrated objects
will be my next projects. In part to make sure that I keep the
"hierarchy" idea in mind, I've added it to the 'future' page at


along with some thoughts on how they might work. Comments are,
as usual, welcome.

I've also revised the "future" page in general. I've had several
other good ideas suggested to me, via list and private e-mail, and
had a few "aha!" moments of my own. It's easy to forget about ideas
C, D, E, ... Z while working on A and B; my hope is that the 'future'
page will help keep me from doing that.

-- Bill