NGC finding

Kevin Fetter Oct 3 10:17 AM

Do others have the same problem as me

I was using the toolbar option at the top of the screen for locating
NGC objects. I enter in 457, and it say's " Not a valid object"

I do the same for a M object such as M55, it works fine

I am using the sept 22 update.

Bill, I see that you won't change the mark saving.

You wrote

Kevin, about saving marks: yes, I see the problem here... ideally,
if you've just loaded a mark named "location 2", when you go to "save
a mark", Guide ought to offer the suggested name "location 2" for that
mark. It doesn't; instead, it remembers the name last used in the
"save a mark" dialog.

However, you can replace that name without difficulty. If Guide
offers you a "wrong" name, just replace it with a "right" one.

Oh well, just will take longer to go through all those observing
sites in the program I have set up for people who will want to watch
the iss go across the sun or moon. No big deal

Thanks anyways
