About scope control through a USB cable: do you have the latest
version (posted a couple of days ago)? This fixed a problem some
people encountered in getting Guide to communicate over USB:
Gary, about the extra buttons in 'scope control': for a NexStar,
they don't do anything. I don't anticipate much improvement here;
the NexStar has a limited command set. All of those buttons work
on the LX-200, allowing you do things such as set a slew rate and
then slew the scope left/right/up/down.
I have a NexStar clone (a Tasco StarGuide 4, which works
surprisingly well... I got it solely for testing purposes, and
assumed it would be a typical "Trashco" product, but it's really
not that bad.) I've got some thoughts for simulating these things
by sending a stream of RA/dec data, but haven't had a chance to
pursue that thought yet.
Elia, the link cited by Bob ought to get you going. The only
thing I'd add is that you don't necessarily have to copy over
_all_ of A2.0 to the hard drive. If you leave out some zones (such
as those below your southern horizon), Guide will just show the
zones it _does_ have and show no A2.0 data in the more southerly
areas. (Unfortunately, doing this doesn't save you all that much!)
-- Bill