Re: Running LX200 from USB port

Gary Fisher Sep 25, 2002

I succeeded in getting the USB scope control to work with my Nexstar80 GT just this last weekend. I had to keep choosing comm ports until Guide said it detected the model of scope I'm running. It slewed the scope like a champ after that! I had to set my hand controller to enable the RS-232 port, not sure if Meade has the same requirement or not. Try all of the comm ports in Guide and see if that helps.

Clear Skies,

Gary Fisher

PS to Bill Gray....

Is there anything written anywhere to explain the scope control dialog buttons? I've only figured out the Slew Guide and Slew Telescope functions so far. The other options didn't seem to do anything at first try. Thanks in advance.
----- Original Message -----
From: bbradf85
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 10:14 AM
Subject: [guide-user] Running LX200 from USB port

I am trying to run my SBIG STV on my 9 pin serial port and my LX200
from my USB port. I have converted the USB port to a virtual RS232
using Meade's adapter and driver. Guide is not set up to establish a
link using the USB. Has anyone determined a way to get Guide to try
to link on the USB?

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