Off topic - Charon and A2.0

cspratt2001 Sep 1, 2002

I sent this to Bill in hopes he could clrify things but comments form
others is appreciated.

I've tried everything to get Charon to find my A 2.0 data on my hard
disk "D". All I get is error messages about not finding GSC stars.
Guide 8 and Charon are on Hard Disk "C" with entire A 2.0 catalog on
Disk "D" (hard disk). The A20.IDX file is in Guide 8 and I transferred
it also to the "D" drive.

Under GUIDE.Dat I have the line:


Hoping this would direct both Guide8 and Charon to read the "D" hard
drive for the A 2.0 data. When, under Guide 8, I click on the "Get
A1.0/A2.0" data I still get asked for the CDs. There isn't a line to
read the data from the hard disk (in my case "D" drive).The
least the program would do is indicated "Reading A2.0 from "D" hard
drive". The manual for Guiide 8 doesn't indicate what to do and I've
searched this Group messages, (hence the above line). I'm using the
unauthorized August 28th version for Guide8 (with AP control) and an
August 4th, 2002 version of Charon.

Please help as I'm weary of the CD switch.

Chris. Spratt
Victoria, B. C.