Constellation labels
Bill J Gray Aug 31, 2002
Hi Brian,
In Guide 8, you don't really have to grab the file Masaki Kouda
mentioned, because it's already provided with the program. (Guide
7 users had to download it separately.) That's the good news.
Go to "Extras... Toggle User Datasets" and look for "Constellation
Labels", and you can turn these on/off.
The bad news (which I didn't realize until I read Masaki Kouda's
post) is that you get labels such as 'Archer' instead of 'Sagittarius'.
That was _not_ what I intended to have happen... though I suppose
it might be nice, in some situations.
To correct this, edit CD_DATA3.TDF and look for these two lines:
;text 23 21
text 49 22
Move the ';' so that it reads
text 23 21
;text 49 22
and you'll be all set.
-- Bill