Time label of trails
Oliver Kloes Aug 30, 2002
Hi Bill, hi GUIDE-users,
yesterday I added to an asteroid a trail with a step size of 1 hour.
What puzzled me was, that the time label on the screen of GUIDE was 1 hour
behind. I' ve checked the time of GUIDE, it was 17:55 UT.
I tried it again 10 minutes later and the time label was correct.
This morning I checked the display again and know now what happend.
At "Add a trail" GUIDE reads the time and ignores the minutes. So at the
first trail calculation, the first mark "17" really means "17:55", and at
the second try the first mark "18" means "18:05".
I was expecting that GUIDE will mark days at 00:00 (e.g. 12. August 00:00
reads mark "12") and marking full hours (22:00 = "22"). But GUIDE gets the
time of calculation and marks every hour or day from this time. If I made a
calculation at 23:15, mark "23" will not mean "23:00" but "23:15". You can
check this out by clicking on the mark, there you get the accurate time of
the label.
The GUIDE manual recommends the setting of time before making a calculation.
O.K., you can do this and set the time at GUIDE to a full hour or day before
making a
trail calculation, but would it not be better to have a standard with marks
at the beginning of an hour/day? I think, that's the standard at books and
magazines. Without clicking on the the time label, you would be able to make
a guess about the time of the position of the object.
So in my opinion an option to choose between "calculation time" and "full
would be very useful.
What are other users of GUIDE thinking about this? Was this discussed before
at this list?
Thanks for the great support from all of you all the time!