Re: [guide-user] Steve Coe notes/satellite path

Kevin Fetter Aug 29, 2002

Thanks Bill
I like the idea of one day, guide showing the ground track ( where the satellite is overhead ) on the earth map.
But in the mean time, I can compute the location of where the iss will be seen going across the centre of the moon's / sun disk, and ploting it on the earth map. That's what the first SAT_PATH_TDF file did. It didn't show a ground track, as in where the iss would be overhead, but where to see the iss goes across the moon, or what I like to call it- transit track :)
I got a file containing the location of places in canada from
I converted it to a file that can be used in uide to show canadian places , like the
US cities ( geo mode only ) file that can be shown on the earth map
It is here, for anyone interested in it.
Bill how can I make it so it looks like, the cities that show up on the earth map. That's those red dots, with the names in white beside it.

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