Hallo Owen, am 06.02.00 meintest Du in /guide-user
> Does this mean that most users when they update Guide put it into a
> new directory or just overwrite existing files. I tend to do that
> and certainly timzone.nam did not disappear and like some of the
> others I have had no problems with any time settings with the
> current upgrade.
The fastest and dangerous way is: Putting all files in the original guide
directory and unzip the zips. If there's an error, you must reinstall the
old CD-EOM version. I do this sometimes, but I make every night a complete
backup of all data...
The best way is: copy the complete guide-directory to guide-old or so and
then do the same as above. When there is now an error, you can copy your
old data back after erasing the complete directory.
Jost Jahn, Bodenteich, FAX: 0581-31165