kfetter Aug 29, 2002
Bill or others
I am trying to modify the SAT_PATH.TDF file, to use the following on
the map, when guide is in geo mode.
6:35:00 -80.4734 175.2132
6:35:10 -81.0208 175.9912
6:36:20 -84.7542 -173.8505
6:35:20 -81.5659 176.8747
6:35:30 -82.1084 177.8850
6:35:40 -82.6476 179.0495
6:35:50 -83.1830 -179.5967
6:36:00 -83.7135 -178.0071
6:36:10 -84.2378 -176.1197
6:36:30 -85.2601 -171.0838
6:36:40 -85.7518 -167.6582
6:36:50 -86.2238 -163.3478
I would like it to display the time also as given above, on the map.
I have tried to change the SAT_PATH.TDF file settings, but it so far
hasn't work for me.