Even if the data is edited since is a smaller file size, that shouldn't to much effect the info you get in guide. If there is info in the usno cd rom, that guide might not need, why take up space.. Guide could use that saved disk space for something else.
I am not sure if you could load the info off, the usno tycho 2 CD, into guide.
I don't have the usno disk, and the data might be in a format guide doesn't read.
Bill could give you a better answer to your questions.
Lets see what he says, since he could give more detailed info.
Ray Shapp wrote:Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the info on loading Tycho-2. Now I have some related questions:
1. The Tycho info on the Guide 8 Disk 1 is probably selectively edited. I am
guessing this is so because the data file on the USNO Tycho-2 CD is 515 Mb,
whereas the LG_TYCHO.LMP file on the Guide 8 Disk 1 is only 91Mb.
2. Is there any way to use the data directly from the USNO Tycho-2 CD without
loading the (probably edited) version off Guide 8 Disk 1?
3. Is there any way to delete the Guide version of the Tycho data from my
hard disk and get Guide 8 to recognize that it's no longer loaded? I used
Windows explorer to delete the LG_TYCHO.LMP file from the GUIDE8\HIPP folder
on my hard disk, but when I re-open the Extras menu item, the entry for
"Tycho-2 (94)Mbytes)" is still marked with an asterisk.
Thanks for the help.
Ray Shapp
Watchung, NJ
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