Steve Coe's observations
bertrandlaville Aug 26, 2002
Hello Bill,
with some friends of Ciel Extrême, the french association of deep sky
observers, it seems we have pointed at some problems concerning the
way Steve Coe's observations are displayed .
No problems when you ask for more infos of a NGC/IC DSO.
Unfortunately, it's not the same for other objects .
Here are few examples:
Basel 6, BD +30 3639, Berk 86, Biur 2, Collinder 419, Collinder 421,
DoDz 11, M1-92, and MGC +8-36-3 are not displayed when you go to
them, but you read the Steve Coe's notes of all all them, in one way,
when you display IC 5146, the last IC object preceding them in the
Steve Coe's notes folder in the CD .
Notes stop when they meet the ones of PK 68+1.2, but these are not
displayed with this PK .
Same problem with UGC 2034, PK 110-12.1, Abell 347, and also all the
double stars, as, for example, STF 3042 .
Thaks in advance for what you will be able to do.
On an other hand, I have not read any answer to the question I wrote
on the list, some weeks ago :
is it posible to display visual magnitudes for deep sky objects, as
you did, successfully, for stars ?
All these questions must not hide what really Guide is : Ciel Extrême
is preparing a detailed article concerning Guide, the title of wich
will be "Fantastic Guide 8" !
Bertrand Laville
Marseille, France