Hi Adi,
> Hi, I am Adi,this is my first message in this group,
> to make it short for the beginning: no bug fix or other download ever
> cured even a single bug in my Guide 7.0, run on an AMD K6II, but my
Hmmm... sounds bad. Would be interesting to know which bugs you are referring
to, but the various bugs discussed on this list lately has been with version 8.
Also, I believe that version 7 is no longer updated or bugfixed. Get version 8
and report on that one instead.
> first question dates back to Guide 6: has anyone ever noticed, that
> any chosen timespan greater than 365 days for an Animation is
> converted to 1y by Guide?
Never noticed until you made mention of it. But it is still there in v8. Either
there's a reason for it (a feature) or it isn't (a bug). I get the same
Some hit and run testing reveals that is probably in the feature category. What
Guide seems to be doing, is rounding those days off to the nearest integer
number of years. Enter "547 days" and it changes that to "1 year", enter "548
days" and that becomes "2 year"(s). Guess this is done to simplify processing
of the animation.
Best regards,
Arild :)