Some bugs/fixes
Bill J Gray Aug 21, 2002
Hi folks,
I've replicated the bug Arild mentioned wherein using a shortened
MPCORB gets corrupted deep-sky objects. (Problem was that Guide used
the number of asteroids to determine which sort of CD it's running.
Set it up with only a thousand asteroids, and it assumed it was running
an older CD in which DSO data was in a different format.) Anyway, it's
fixed now.
Certain forms of labelling are still going to be odd, though, because
Guide has assumed consecutively-numbered asteroids. I may return to this
problem eventually.
When I 'go to' IC 410, I see an open cluster, NGC 1893. Clicking
for "more info" gets me a cross-reference to IC 410. There are quite
a few cases where an object got both an IC and an NGC number; this
appears to be one of them. (A few got two IC or two NGC numbers.)
Exactly how you're getting it to show up at all (and the oddities
with IC 405) is surprising to me... could you perhaps e-mail me your
STARTUP.MAR as an attachment?
I'm holding off on further improvements for a bit, until I get
the current set of bugs under control. I'm fixing them about as fast
as people are reporting them, but it's keeping me busy right now!
Comments from AstroPhysics and NexStar users concerning the most
recent software I've posted are still welcome...
-- Bill