Re: [guide-user] Doubled asteroids, other items

Arild Moland Aug 21, 2002

Hi again,

> However, when I later edited this file and removed the asteroids I had already
> observed, the labels disappeared. That is, Guide would display the name if I

With a bit more testing under the belt, it seems that the label problem runs a
little deeper. First, I found that Guide would show the asteroid numbers when I
re-inserted the "missing" asteroids from the chain (ie. having a complete list
from 1-100). But, while giving me the asteroid numbers back, Guide refuse to
show any other objects. Unchecking the Use MPCORB made Guide repaint the DSOs.

Investigating the matter a little more thoroughly gives that using MPCORB
removes all objects but comets and satellites. Now, does this make sense? Yes,
if using MPCORB means you are so serious about minor solar system bodies that
you are ignorant of deep sky stuff, but no if you (like me) are interested in
seeing if an asteroid passes by deep sky objects and the like. My first asteroid
was Pallas when it travelled through the Coathanger in 1997, and my latest was
2002 NY40 when it sailed past M 71. I'd like Guide to show me stuff like that,
even if I use MPCORB.

Another strange things is this: I had Guide find and center on IC 410, a nebula
in Auriga. Yet Guide does not show the nebula neither with a symbol (yellow
square) nor label. It disappears on level 6 and beyond. I find it amuzing that
Guide will find the object when searching but refuses to paint it, even with
NGC/IC turned ON. (I turned every deep sky object class ON for testing.) Nearby IC 405 is shown with symbol, but the label is shown
only on level 1-5. It disappears on level 6 and beyond.

Well, enough ranting on my part! :-)

Best regards,

Arild :)
