for what it's worth, here's my source of elements for special asteroids:
Enter det object designation in the text box, and click the Guide radio button
further down the screen to have elements on the Guide format.
Save as plain text and import the data using the Extras | Add MPC
comets/astroids... command. Works like a charm. I don't really know, but I would
expect that the elements you get from this, will be the most current at the time
of download. I inspected the elements file, but could find nothing resembling an
epoch date. I was possible given as a Julian date, but Julian dates doesn't tell
me much, I'm afraid.
At any rate I followed 2002 NY40 when it sailed past M71 last night (as viewed
from Oslo). Quite exiting, indeed!
And thanks to Bill for his swift responses to our bug reports and weird desires.
Always so good to have delevoper who do not excuse themselves with the "that's
not a bug, it's a feature" crap!
Best regards,
Arild :)