2002 NY40 elements

Bill J Gray Aug 17, 2002

Hi folks,

One problem with 2002 NY40 is that you have to be sure to have elements
with a current epoch. The following elements will give you a position
good to an arcminute or so over tonight's apparition:

Absolute magnitude: 19.4
Slope parameter: 0.15
Orbital elements:
Semimajor axis: 2.0455522
Eccentricity: 0.7110228
Inclination of orbit: 5.79399
Argument of perihelion: 268.26365
Long. ascending node: 146.84645
Mean anomaly: 343.84594
Mean daily motion: 0.33689008 degrees/day
Epoch of elements: 18 Aug 2002

From the posts on this list, it looks as if I've got some bugs to
fix... I will reply after digging in a bit to find out what's going on.

-- Bill