Re: [guide-user] Asteroid 2002 NY40

Laurent Zimmermann Aug 17, 2002

I thought it was a problem of parallax. But setting the position as
geocentric did not eliminate the offset. After some tries, I found that the
position of the asteroid 2002 NY40 approximately matches the trail
- for a location at 16,6° W and 39,1° N on 17 aug 20:00 UT,
- for a location at 44,3° W and 55,5° N on 18 aug 03:00 UT.

Other problems I encountered (I use the 7 aug. 2002 version):

- The constellations lines which are displayed on the screen do not appear
in the print preview and are also not printed.

- The trail of 2002 NY40 from 17.8.2002 20:00 UT until 18.8.2002 03:00
displays erratically from level 14 (1 arcmin).

- The asteroid is no more displayed sometimes from level 16 (15 arcsec),
sometimes from level 15 (30 arcsec).
