Realistic mode text/guider chips/scope xtrol
Bill J Gray Aug 15, 2002
Arild, you're right about the hard-to-read text. I've fixed it so
that the text is white when the background is dark, and black when the
background is bright. (Which is the way it was supposed to be, but
I "broke" a lot of color settings due to some improvements I made back
in March of this year. Bugs are still shaking out from that every now
and then.)
Bernd, the new guiding chip information will show up properly when
I update the German-language files. (Italian and Spanish users will
see similar problems until then.) The problem is that this version
really _is_ still in testing; I'm waiting to hear from NexStar and
Astro-Physics users before putting it on the "usual" update page. Once
I do that, I'll also update the language files.
Speaking of the Astro-Physics mount... I got an e-mail from Chris
Spratt about this, confirming that there is indeed an oddity in the
command set for this scope. I'm somewhat confident that this is a solved
problem. But it will be nice to hear from someone that it's all working
the way it ought to. (Ditto for the assorted flavors of NexStar.)
Bernd wrote: "One reason for two guiding chips was that SBIG has a
patent on CCD cameras with o n e guiding chip..." Aha! I'd wondered
if that might have been a consideration.
"...But you need a l a r g e and f l a t field ov view to use both
guiding chips (at least 65 mm in diameter)." Both of which are apt to
be problems for many of us. Bring in down to a 2" (50-mm) eyepiece,
and add some adjustments so that the guider chips can move forward/
backward a few microns relative to the main chip, and it would be
wonderful. But I digress.
-- Bill