USB-to-RS232 converter test
Juan Carlos Rosso Aug 8, 2002
Hi Bill,
I've just downloaded the "beta" update and made a quick test of
the USB-to-RS232 converter connectivity. I've found a number of problems but
they don't seem to be difficult to solve (specially for me since I don't
write the code!)
When starting the Scope Pad, Guide tries to determine the scope attached to
the port (a Nexstar 8 in my case). But it can't. It seems as if Guide were
unable to open the port by itself. The message is: "Unknown detected" and
then "Position unread" (when trying to slew Guide). However, when running
another program before Guide (I'm using NexStar Observer List) , Guide can
detect the scope correctly (even if the other program stays running, the
reverse not working). Once Guide recognizes the scope, it can read the
scope's position and for example center the display to the coordinates read
from the scope. But it can't slew the scope. Nothing happens when clicking
on the "Slew telescope" button.
Well, I hope this info makes it easier for you to adjust the RS232 routines.
Unfortunately (for you and Guide users...) I'm leaving home today for one
month on vacations, so I'll be unable to keep on testing the program. But I
hope I'm not the only one with such a combination (Nexstar 8 + USB-to RS232
Thank you Bill for the support you give us, humble Guide users...
Juan Carlos Rosso
Las Rozas, Madrid, EspaƱa