Hello Bill,
> Also: if you look at the "extras" page,
> http://www.projectpluto.com/extras.htm
> you'll see that four new user-added datasets have been appended
> recently. These allow display of a new open-cluster catalog, a
I have downloaded this cataloge [Open clusters (Dias+ 2002)] and I have
observed one extrange behaviour that previously I have seen on the datasets
for wich I have wrote TDF files. The label is printed far away from the
simbol. for example if you activate this dataset and goto M73 at level 6 you
can see how the label of M73 is just over the cluster but the labels for
NGC6994 and NGC7005 are far away. If you zoom out to level 5 the label for
NGC7005 overlap NGC6994. Also, if you change the alignment inside the TDF
file, the label don't follow this indications is always plotted in the same
Rafael Barbera
Grup d'Estudis Astronomics (GEA)
Copa del Mundo de la FIFA 2002
El �nico lugar de Internet con v�deos de los 64 partidos.
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