Hello Andre
This is a little bit out of the scope of the Guide user list...
> Have you built this KAF device?
Yes, with a standard KAF 400 grade 2. Initially it was to make
tracking but I don't know when I will implement it. I have another
KAF400 camera, an Hi-Sis 22 (1994). AUDINE is smaller and lighter than
the Hi-Sis and have 14 bit instead of 12 for the Hi-Sis.
>How much did it cost you?
About 7500 FF as indicated on the Web site
>How many hours do you estimate it took?
Half a day, I am rather lazy so I purchased the electronic
boards assembled and tested, I purchase also the power supply from
Essential Electronique (Raymond DAVID e-mail:
> I was very surprised at the cost shown on the web page you
> provided. Could it really be this cheap? I go to Paris every two
> months and am tempted to look into it!
The reason is that a team of fellows does this camera without
thinking to profit and commercial affairs. It's really a cost.
The only small problem I have with the AUDINE is that it is subject to
icing on the CCD window. I should minimise the air volume within the
case, fill it with dry air and seal the box with compound.
There is a user list for AUDINE; it is mainly in French.