Re: [guide-user] Barnard's Star

Arild Moland Aug 4, 2002


> "...While making a chart of the region of Barnard's Star (GSC 425 2502),
> I noticed a star (designated GSC 425 184) ("X") that isn't on older charts
> - for example, page 1253 of Burnham's Celestial Handbook and a section of
> POSS I that I downloaded from the Web. "More info" on X gives a date 24
> Jun 82, but little other information. Its position is about where
> Barnard's was in 1981 or 1982 (Burnham page 1252).
> Is it possible that X is indeed Barnard's star at the time the GSC
> was made? How come Barnard's Star now has a different GSC number?"

On the AmAstro mailing list, there was a lengthy thread on this subject earlier
this summer. Go to The thread "Where is
the runaway star" starting on June 8 covers the subject.

This query

gives the thread and related posts.

Best regards,

Arild Moland :)
