So you are trying to watch satellite transits. A satellite transit is the name I give to a satellite pass across the sun or moon disk.
For example
Using the following orbit for the iss
1 25544U 98067A 02211.42676137 .00023385 00000-0 29333-3 0 7118
2 25544 51.6365 195.8433 0009072 53.6030 82.8780 15.59579743210771
And using a location of 74.0000 East longitude and 0.0000 North Latitude, with at time of around 11:56:34 UT on July 30, you will see the iss on the moon
From that location, the moon/iss will be below the horizon. But that is to show what you mean really mean :)
My Web site on local sky events ( Brockville, Ontario ) -
Member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada ( RASC ) Kingston Centre
Member of The International Occultation Timing Association ( IOTA ) -
44� 36' 22" N : 075� 41' 28" W
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