[guide-user] ... it's....spam

James Ellis Jul 28, 2002

Hi Jost -
can you ban this spammer from the mail list? I'm not sure how Yahoo bans but
hopefully it's
by domain or IP address. Anyone who joins the list with an info@ email addy
is probably up to no good.

As a guide for all you Guiders out there - don't reply to spam, don't even
acknowledge it..it can make things worse, so ignore it and it and they'll go
elsewhere. Leave policing up to Spamcop and Spamhaus.org.

Best regards to all and keep on Guiding...



-----Original Message-----
From: prosper [mailto:info@...]
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 2:20 PM
To: guide-user@yahoogroups.com

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