From: "gammaboo2001" <
>Avoid this one like the plague. One of the sorriest excuses for
>software for sale (or, for that matter, free) that I've encountered
>in many years. Crummy graphics, lousy interface, limited features,
>and glacially slow. Mine came yesterday, and is going back tomorrow,
>with the recommendation that the developers look at "Virtual Atlas of
>the Moon", FREE software from:
>Even without the Lunar Orbiter images it's a great piece of work. If
>you haven't already done so, take the time to download it at take a
>(Guide users will probably benefit, if at all, only from the Lunar
>Orbiter images; the Guide moon is perfectly adequate for most
>Chuck Baker
>Rockville, MD
Second the recommendation for the Virtual Atlas of the Moon. Very nice FREE
(!) program and, if the author (Patrick Chevalley) follows through with
updates like he does on his Sky Charts program, one to follow with interest
for further developments.
The moon map on Guide is excellent and perhaps just as good for identifying
and displaying lunar features ... and is a bonus that very few full featured
planetarium/atlas programs have. What I really liked about the Virtual Moon
Atlas, aside from the more comprehensive information about the lunar
features, is the nifty way it can give you those features that are best
suited for viewing near the terminator on a particular night. It can also
sort the list of features (either all of them visible or just those on the
terminator) based on how interesting they are, or what size instrument you
might be using.
Sandy Mc
SandyMc456@... (Sandra McNamara)
Stanford, IL N 40d 26m W 89d 13m
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