> my suggestion is to combine all these little extra Updates to one
> large file. It would be much easier to handle it then.
Possibly. An accumulated ZIP archive much like the program update, would be
The downside of this, is that you may over time aggreate a lot of stuff which is
of special interest only, or outdated.
> After a few months of a new release of Guide there is a huge number of
> it (like: Ability to list/display asteroid occultations for 2003).
This is a good example. After some time, asteroid occulations for 2003 is of
academic interest to most people.
> Of course I only talk about the updates which are hosted on
> (like *.tdf) and not having many megabytes (like
> catalogues). ;-)
What me may wish for (in case Bill get a lot of extra time to spare), is a table
of some sort where all these updates are listed together, so that you won't have
to browse the entire site in order to find stuff. The table would possibly need
to include the required version of Guide too. Having said that, I must say Guide
is admiringly well trained in doing what it can with what it get, rather than
wining about not getting what it wants :)
Having browsed the online documentation etc. I've also found reference to stuff
stored at Guide user's own sites. Having such sites included in the above
mentioned table, would also be of great interest. Or better yet (I guess?), put
your stuff in the appropriate place under the Files section of this mailing
lists website (, though size
restrictions obviously applies to this site..
Best regards,
Arild Moland :)
Oslo, Norway