Re: [guide-user] Re: Satellite display

Laren Dart Jun 3, 2002

At 03:27 PM 6/3/02 -0000, you wrote:
>In trying out this feature I noticed a small problem. After using the
>":" key to go into eclipse mode and checking out my area for other
>guide users, I came up to the question of how to get back to regular
>mode. What I did was to use File->Load Mark->Initial position. This
>brought be back to regular mode back where I started the program. The
>problem is that the toolbar was still in eclipse mode. Exiting the
>program and restarting it fixes the problem. I believe I'm running
>the most current update of Guide V8.0.
>Rich Persico

Hit Alt-F9 again, select "Guide users (geo mode only)" and turn it Off.
Hit the ':' key again and Guide goes back to normal eclipse mode. The ':'
key toggles between Geo mode and normal eclipse mode. (The "show eclipse
button does, too.)

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