[guide-user] scope xtrol

James Ellis May 18, 2002


I think what you are aiming for is to have the scope 'cursor' animate across
the screen to display where the scope is pointed at the present time. This
would involve the scope sending back to Guide (or Scope.exe sending to
Guide) continuous updates of it's RA/DEC or Alt/Az coords.

While it would be interesting to see which path in the sky a scope takes to
point to a certain object, I can't see any more advantage of having an
animated cursor (other than the coolness effect), or maybe it's just my
befuddled mind on a slow Sunday morning.

What would be useful in this respect would be for Guide to slew to where the
point where the scope has stopped, automatically upon a 'Slew Finish' event.
For instance the scope say's 'I am stopped' - Guide then says 'Slew to scope
position'. Instead of having to click 'Slew Guide to Scope' every time a
slew finishes.

Maybe this has already been done. I'm still using <ashamed>G7</ashamed>.


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