Re: [guide-user] Disappearing stars in Guide 8 (and 7)

Bernd Brinkmann May 8, 2002

Hello Werner,

this is the same problem I mentioned in my mail from April 29th. And
up to now, it isn't fixed.

> I've encountered the following problem with Guide 8. After zooming from
> the 20 degree view (lim mag 10.5) to the 10 degree view (lim mag 11.0)
> all bright stars disappear. The constellation lines are still visible
> but all brighter stars (from 5th magnitude or so on) disappear and only
> many faint stars are visible. I've using the A2.0 stars from 15th
> magnitude on from HD but the problems occured also frome time to time
> with Guide 7 without the A2.0 stars. Can somebody give me some hints
> what to do to get the bright stars back?
> Werner Hasubick

Clear skies

Bernd Brinkmann
Herne, Germany