Update posted, etc.
Bill J Gray May 4, 2002
Hi folks,
I've just posted Yet Another Update. This one is mostly to fix
the assorted problems in star display reported after the 24 April
version. I think I've clobbered all of those, except for one:
orbital binaries such as Alpha Cen and 61 Cyg orbit one another
properly when zoomed down to a degree or less, but (still) fly
apart when seen at wider fields of view. It will take a bit more
thought for me to come up with a decent solution for that nasty
little problem.
There _are_ some small improvements with the new version. I
added four new projections, three of which can be used for
"all-sky" charts. You can right-click on isophotes, then
adjust their contrast/brightness. I've provided a revised
"horizon" file that is at least slightly more interesting than
the default one.
Oliver, about running in UT: I'd suggest first setting that
zone in Guide, hitting F3, and seeing if you get the correct time.
On most machines, Guide will pick up the right time zone from the
computer, and say the equivalent of, "If the PC says it's 17:19
EST (US), that means it's 22:19 UT."
On a very few machines, Guide can't get the right time zone and
says, "The PC says it's 17:19, but doesn't give a zone... since
the user selected UT, I guess it must be 17:19 UT." To persuade
it otherwise, add a line such as this to GUIDE.DAT:
This would cause Guide to subtract one hour from whatever time
is read from the PC clock.
-- Bill