Re: [guide-user] "Home planet"/ground & horizon object drawing

Andrea Pelloni Apr 26, 2002

Dear Bill, thank tou for the reply on "transparent objects", but I tried in
GUIDE.dat both GROUND_DRAWING=1 and 2 (and even 0) lines, but nothing
happened, both stars, constellation lines, Milky Way and all the other
things are ON the objects.
I have one doubt:
I have installed Win2000Pro edition, may be this the reason of the strange
Thank you

Andrea Pelloni
157 Frasso Sabino

At 23.12 26/04/2002, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
> Ben, thanks for the nudge on the "home planet" dialog... didn't
>realize that was still getting any use (the only documented way
>to set your viewpoint to be from another planet is in the Settings...
>Location dialog.)
> In the current (24 April) version, I intentionally set up the ground
>and horizon objects to appear "transparent". Previously, you could
>see some objects (stars, planets, etc.) through the ground/horizon
>objects, but many others (isophotes, ticks/grids, ecliptic) were
> Personally, I prefer the new "transparent" system. It's not at all
>realistic, but it does let you see what stars/objects are about to
>rise/set. If you saw nothing but dirt in half the sky, you would get
>no information (except, of course, that you are looking at the
>ground... something which the different background color would
>tell you anyway.)
> I've just weaseled out of the decision in my usual manner, i.e.,
>adding an option. By default, Guide will use the current "transparent"
>horizon that blocks nothing. Edit GUIDE.DAT and add the line
> and it will revert to its previous "semitransparent" display. Use
> and the ground and horizon objects will have a realistic, but
>unhelpful, "opaque" appearance (nothing except neutrino-emitting
>celestial objects are shown below the horizon or behind horizon
>-- Bill
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Andrea Pelloni