Color prinntouts/German constellation names
Bill J Gray Apr 25, 2002
Just to cover two items right away:
Paulo, Guide will print in color if you've selected the "Chart Mode"
(in Display... Background). It requires this in order to get a decent sort
of WYSIWYG: in chart mode, the background is white, like that of
the printout, so you can set colors and see them in a reasonable manner.
Bernd, getting the constellation names to appear in German is a little
tricky, but should not be too tough.
First, shut off the existing overlay of the three-letter constellation
abbreviations. The easiest way to do that is to right-click on one of the
labels, then on "Display", then "Off". (Also the easiest way to shut
off most things in Guide.)
Second, go to "Extras... User Datasets" and look for the "Constellation
Labels" (or, in German, "Sternbilder") and turn that dataset on. You'll
get full constellation names.
The problem is that you'll get (for example) "Canis Minor" rather than
"Kleiner Hund". To fix this, edit CD_DATA3.DDF (German version of
CD_DATA3.TDF) and look for the "Sternbilder" section, down around
line 176, to change the line
text 23 21
to read
text 49 22
That tells Guide to show text from the latter columns instead of the
former, resulting in getting a descriptive name (such as, in English,
"Little Dog") rather than the usual one.
Not an intuitive fix, I realize, but it should get things working for
-- Bill