Re: [guide-user] Update posted

Andrea Pelloni Apr 25, 2002

At 03.01 25/04/2002, you wrote:

>I've just posted another update, at the usual place:
>-- Bill

Everything is OK and well done, except that now in my self-made Bookmark,
showing the exact shape of Southern horizon as seen from our Observatory,
the Milky Way is superimposing over the roof, instead of remaining, as was
before, covered by the roof itself.
I have tried with all the possible configurations, with/without star
colours, with/without star blurring, etc., but no change, the Milky Way is
always OVER the objects.
It is not so important, only to inform you that the last upgrade on Apr
24th may have modified something else.

Andrea Pelloni
157 Frasso Sabino

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Andrea Pelloni