Some ideas for Guide improvement
Paulo Cacella Apr 25, 2002
From my experience with other astrosoftwares I have some suggestions to
1 - Megastar has a very useful tool. Why not configure the label of
objects (deep-sky and stars) with some basic info, user definable, like
: spectral class, magnitude,distance in LY, GALAXY CLASS, galaxy RV,
asteroid type etc...In this case I can see what are Sc galaxies in the
field or if all galaxies are from same group ( from RV or distance )
without consult one by one.
2 - Use of filtering. For example change the colors of filtered objects
like E0 Galaxies or Trojan asteroids. You can have a dialog with all
objects by classes and user could filter in some groups.
3 - There is a "star list" option in menu. Why not a list of user
definable objects like Galaxies and asteroids ?
Paulo Cacella